Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 25 - 27 jul 03 · Festival · Rueras (Graubünden), Suiza Line Up: Astral Projection (Trust in Trance Records) Israel, Earthling (Spun Records) Spain, Silent Sphere (Mdijum Records) CH, Goma (Nandan) CHSpacefreak (Kokopelli Prod.), Fidimohnius (Kokopelli Prod.), Mystik (Shiva Space Tech.), Thujon (Agitato Rec.), Andruid (Asonus Prod.) A, Magus Solaris (Asonus Prod.) A, Bogus (Fantasy), Idefix (Love & Ligh…Info: Kokopelli, Bar, Tokoeka, Chai-Shop, Project Babylon, Food, Peace Geronimo, Crepes,, Bei Regen gedeckt!Location: Mit dem Auto, A13 Richtung Chur, dann weiter Richtung Flims,… Termina: 21a 7m · 2.998 · Apuntado de Spacefreak Fotos0 Gente Kokopelli´s / Walk to the Light Rueras (Graubünden) · Suiza vie, 25 jul 03, 01:00 - dom, 27 jul, 02:00= 2d 1hFestival · Termina: 21a 7m