Party 14 - 21 ago 10 · Festival · Sidi Ifni, Marruecos CANCELED Line Up: ►Nasdek ►Digital Minimal of Shiva [Spain] ►Kalo ►Reability Time Project [Italy] ►Djane Gheda ►Neurosys [Italy] ►Starixx ►Electronic Experience_DMS [Mor…►Starixx ►Electronic Experience_DMS [Morocco] ►Nasdek ►Digital Minimal of Shiva [Spain] ►Maya ►Technoexperience [Italy] ►Kalo ►Reability Time Project…Info: Sidi Ifni is the main town on the Atlantic coast between Agadir and Tan-Tan. It belongs to the Sous-Massa-Draa economic region and to the Tiznit province. Its inhabitants are mainly Berbers from the A…Location: On the Atlantic coast between Sidi Ifni and Agadir Termina: 14a 6m · 13.468 · Apuntado de Starixx Fotos0 Gente Jumpers Festival Sidi Ifni · Marruecos sáb, 14 ago 10, 18:00 - sáb, 21 ago, 10:00= 6d 16hFestival · CANCELED · Termina: 14a 6m