Party 2 - 6 jul 15 · Festival · Szob, Hungría / 3 Line Up: Aperitif from the lineup: Aperape, Alien Hardware, Arcek, Calyptratus, Crazy Astronaut, Cyberhen, Dark Whisper, Furious, Gotalien, Highko, Insector, Irgumburgum, JunxPunx, Kasatka, Kashyyyk, Kindza,…Info: Next year daBudapest friends are planning to awake the sleeping spirit of Inner Sanctum 2013. With so much negative energy in the world these days, wars, political upheaval and the ongoing destruction…Location: Szob- Malomvölgyi Ifjusági Tábor Termina: 9a 7m · 11.664 · Apuntado de dabudapest Fotos0 Gente Inner Sanctum 2015: tranceplant Szob · Hungría jue, 2 jul 15, 12:00 - lun, 6 jul, 12:00= 4dFestival · / 3 · Termina: 9a 7m