Party 7 - 10 dic 06 · Festival · soon, Portugal Line Up: TECHNODROME (metatron records) Israel Presentation of the album Earthquake (CD) 003 WINTER DEMON (time code records) Israel GROOVE ATTACK (independent-trance) Portugal SAFI_CONECTION (spliff music) Is…SHAY (Technodrome) Israel NIMOS (Winter Demon) Israel MISHEL (Safi_Conection) Israel VEG (Odd Records) Portugal MIXTEC (Cristal Matrix/Digital Oracle) Portugal D-MAN (Swing/Astrologic) Portugal JUGGLE…Info: Sound System: 40.000 Wats (D.A.S) Festa em tenda.Location: soon Termina: 18a 3m · 5.446 · Apuntado de Art__of__Noise Fotos0 Gente Infernal way to break the ICE 7,8 e 9 December 2006 soon · Portugal jue, 7 dic 06, 22:00 - dom, 10 dic, 12:00= 2d 14hFestival · Termina: 18a 3m