Party 23 - 26 ago 12 · Festival · Asprovalta Beach, Grecia CANCELED Line Up: Allaby [Nano Records] LIVE (BRITAN) Andrea Bertolini [Iboga | Movement Rec] LIVE (ITALY) Antoni Bios [Voodoo Records] Live (Greece/Swiss) Aquafeel [Spin Twist Records] LIVE (GREECE) Bevatron [Profound…Agent 17 [Echoes Records] DJ SET (SWEDEN) Alex Demm [LGM Group | Flash Boys] DJ SET (GREECE) Alex Sense [Movement Dark Roasted] DJ SET (GREECE) Andree Eskay [Movement Recordings] DJ SET (GREECE) Atom…Info: The Gaea Festival is a gathering place for people who consciously acknowledge the human enlightenment and who seek with others its resolution through the creation and exploration of music, sound, idea…Location: At the beach of Asprovalta, EOT camping. Termina: 12a 6m · 9.844 · Apuntado de Gaea Festival Fotos0 Gente Gaea Festival Asprovalta Beach · Grecia jue, 23 ago 12, 21:00 - dom, 26 ago, 21:00= 3dFestival · CANCELED · Termina: 12a 6m