Party 30 dic - 2 ene 06 · Festival · St.Veronica-near Barranquilla/Atlantico, Colombia Line Up: same, same but diferentInternational & Local Can you keep a secret? We also do! Turn on, Tune in and find outInfo: check out our web-sideLocation: private Eco-beach-resort "OH LAS INN" St.Veronica-… Termina: 19a 2m · 4.430 · Apuntado de moctezuma Fotos0 Gente EUPHORIA 2012-7 "Union of the Tribes" Psy-Goa-Trance-Camp St.Veronica-near Barranquil… · Colombia vie, 30 dic 05, 17:00 - lun, 2 ene 06, 12:00= 2d 19hFestival · Termina: 19a 2m