Party 28 - 30 abr 16 · Festival · Sea of Gallilee, Israel Line Up: Merkaba - Zenon Records, Aus ► Kalya Scintilla - Merkaba Music, Aus ► Electrypnose - Zenon Records, Swiss ► Ticon - Iboga Records, Sweden ► Atmos - Iboga Records, Sweden ► Salakavala - Hippie Kil…Info: The Doofer is an uncommon animal, characterized by happy and social temperament. It is brave and adaptable, welcomes challenges and withstands all weather conditions Once a year Doofers from all over…Location: Golan Beach, Sea of Gallilee, Israel Termina: 8a 10m · 1.923 · Apuntado de Doof Records & Paganka Crew Fotos0 Gente ❖ DOOF FESTIVAL 2016 - The 13 Edition ❖ Sea of Gallilee · Israel jue, 28 abr 16, 12:00 - sáb, 30 abr, 17:00= 2d 5hFestival · Termina: 8a 10m