Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 30 abr - 2 may 22 · Festival · Samaipata, Bolivia Line Up: MAIN STAGE: PRIMERA NOCHE: 20:00 – XINO 21:00 – PROTON 22:00 – SUNDARI 23:00 – ATTIX 24:00 – SOLAR UNIVERSE 1:00- CRIMSOUND 2:00 - AIRFFECT 3:00 –LE GUIDE 4:30 - MAJO 5:30 - PROTOS REACTION 6:30 -7:30…Info: English: The festival "Sonidos de la montaña 2022" calls you to an unforgettable dance in the mountains of Samaipata. You are welcome from April 30th to May 2nd. Bring your friends, family a…Location: Bolivia, Samaipata, Projecto Hermanos Verde Termina: 2a 10m · 409 · Apuntado de Goamajo Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente Boom Tribe Festival Bolivia 2022 - "Sonidos de la Montania" Samaipata · Bolivia · Mapa sáb, 30 abr 22, 12:00 - lun, 2 may, 15:00= 2d 3hFestival · Termina: 2a 10m