¡Uy! Ha accedido a una página a la que sólo pueden acceder los miembros.Aquí está la Inicio de sesión de los miembros Party 18 - 21 jul 08 · Festival · near Moscow, Rusia CANCELED Line Up: Attoya (Trishula Records / Israel) Derango (Inpsyde Media / Sweden) Furious (Technical Freaks / Russia) Gorump Peyya (Mighty Quinn Records / Macedonia) Hishiryo (Kabrathor Records / France) Kerosene C…26Brian (Temple Twisters Records / India) Already Maged (Insomnia Records / Ukraine) Atriohm (Parvati Records / Macedonia) Becar (Insomnia Records / Russia) Claw (Noize Conspiracy Records / Greece) Je…Info: «You know, ancient prophets of the Old Testament and the signs that point to the approaching Armageddon have captured my imagination for a long while. I ask myself the same question every now and then…Location: The pictures and exact coordinates of the venue will be post… Termina: 16a 7m · 5.145 · Apuntado de jesus freak Fotos0 Gente Armageddon Festival near Moscow · Rusia vie, 18 jul 08, 22:00 - lun, 21 jul, 12:00= 2d 14hFestival · CANCELED · Termina: 16a 7m