Party 31.10. - 01.11.09 · Club · Budapest, Ungarn Line-Up: Zub (ex-Ozric Tentacles, UK) concertBB303 (HU)Info: ZUB is the creation of long-time Ozric Tentacles bass player, Zia Geelani. After more than ten years (1991-2002) of widespread touring, writing, recording and producing with the Ozrics, Zia now con…Location: Cökxpôn Café Theater H-1095. Bp. Soroksári út 8-10. (Boráros… Vorbei: 15j 3m · 1.051 · Eingetragen von Pupilla Fotos0 People ZubZub (ex-Ozric Tentacles, UK), Cökxpôn Ambient Festival Budapest · Ungarn Sa., 31.10.09, 21:00 - So., 01.11., 04:00= 7stdClub · Vorbei: 15j 3m