Party 30. - 31.05.09 · Indoor · Athens, Griechenland Line-Up: GATAKA live set VAISHIYAS live setVAISHIYAS 1st time in Athens (GER) live set / Spintwist Rec Hannes Klitta, aka Vaishiyas, is from Hamburg, Germany. His journey through music began with guitar and drums when he was only 10 years o…Location: GOYA CLUB ARISTOFANNOUS 11, PSYRRI Vorbei: 15j 9m · 2.866 · Eingetragen von astrix Fotos0 People ZERO POINT ENERGY Athens · Griechenland Sa., 30.05.09, 23:30 - So., 31.05., 07:00= 7std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 15j 9m