Party 25. - 26.05.13 · Indoor · Ruigoord/Amsterdam, Niederlande Line-Up: SHEHOOR (Psyde Effect-Replicant-MMD Rec/FR) HALOPANIK (Psyde Effect Recs/LEB) 1st app in the Netherlands..Saghe & Kaligulix (Sonesta Recs-Trancending/PT-ESP) Psychonotik (Psyde Effect Recs/LEB) Launching his 1st compilation Psyde Effect Records Geara (Psyde Effect Recs/LEB)Info: The PSYDE EFFECT crew presents their first official label party in Amsterdam announcing the launch of the upcoming compilation VA - Apophenia compiled by Psychonotik . featuring artists like Ianuaria…Location: ye ol`church at Ruigoord Vorbei: 11j 9m · 1.927 · Eingetragen von yobro Fotos0 People Your 40 Years Feast Ruigoord/Amsterdam · Niederlande · Karte Sa., 25.05.13, 22:00 - So., 26.05., 08:00= 10stdIndoor · Vorbei: 11j 9m