Party 31.05.07, 23:30 - 23:30 · Indoor · Barcelona, Spanien Info: /- WWT vol.4 ::: ISRAEL!!!! -/ Muskaria bets on a new iniciative this 2oo7: the World Wide Trance. This will consist on a set of 12 parties, each one consisting one representative country of World'…Location: BEGOOD Club - Sancho de Avila st. 78 BARCELONA CITY Undergro… Vorbei: 17j 6m · 2.069 · Eingetragen von Hashattack Fotos0 People WWT vol.4: ISRAEL - Free Party Barcelona Barcelona · Spanien Do., 31.05.07, 23:30 - 23:30= jetztIndoor · Vorbei: 17j 6m