Party 17. - 18.06.18 · Indoor · Cluj-Napoca, Rumänien Line-Up: A_p_e_P •Acnowgious •Thal •Info: Welcome to Goa is about music and people’s connection with it. It’s about dance, love and high ideals. It’s about communication and communion. It’s about looking for something in journeys within. It’s…Location: Flying Circus Cluj Strada Universității, 3, 400095 Cluj-Napo… Vorbei: 6j 8m · 243 · Eingetragen von COL3A ~~ Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Welcome To Goa 18 @Flying Circus Cluj Cluj-Napoca · Rumänien · Karte So., 17.06.18, 23:00 - Mo., 18.06., 07:00= 8stdIndoor · Vorbei: 6j 8m