Party 09. - 10.04.16 · In- & Outdoor · Auckland, Neuseeland Line-Up: Big Dave Skylab Architekt Adamint Akasha DJMTM Mutana Kataro Apeman CymaticInfo: Come along for a fantastic day party and soak up some rays and some tunes and this great out of the way venue, where we can play the tunes outdoors and hang out with our Dimension mates. Starting at m…Location: Bar Africa, 1b William Pickering Drive, Albany, Auckland Vorbei: 8j 11m · 251 · Eingetragen von big dave Fotos0 People Weekend Safari Auckland · Neuseeland · Karte Sa., 09.04.16, 12:00 - So., 10.04., 02:00= 14stdIn- & Outdoor · Vorbei: 8j 11m