Party 31.12. - 01.01.15 · Indoor · Zürich, Schweiz Line-Up: ♥ ♩♪♬ Live on Stage ♬♪♩♥ Talpa & Zyce, Serbia for the first time worldwide ♥ Waio, Zero One, Brasil Materia, 24/7 Austria Tron, Zero One, Mexico Twilight, Airglow Rec., Australia Liquid Soul, Iboga,…Info: ☀ LOCATION ☀ Aktionshalle & Clubraum & Theatersaal & Ziegel Alongside the beautiful lake Zurich we have a magical party space for us to dance in the light of the New Year. On the shores of Lake of Zur…Location: Rote Fabrik Seestrasse 395, 8038 Zürich Vorbei: 9j 11m · 2.617 · Eingetragen von Marcus Fotos0 People Vortex & MindZone ✬ Let There Be Light New Year’s Eve 2014/15 on 4 Floors Zürich · Schweiz · Karte Mi., 31.12.14, 22:00 - Do., 01.01.15, 14:00= 16stdIndoor · Vorbei: 9j 11m