Party 27. - 28.01.07 · Indoor · Thessaloniki, Griechenland Line-Up: VIBRASPHERE live act Vibrasphere is Rickard Berglf and Robert Elster from Uppsala, Sweden. For over a half a decade they have been one of the most influential and sought-after trance acts, helping to…support djs timxtreme - orphik - strass - nemesis(aka IXOR)Location: Ydrogios live stage Thessaloniki HELLAS Vorbei: 18j 1m · 1.240 · Eingetragen von JunioR1 Fotos0 People VIBRASPHERE - LIQUID SOUL LIVE! @ ydrogios Thessaloniki Thessaloniki · Griechenland Sa., 27.01.07, 23:30 - So., 28.01., 09:00= 9std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 18j 1m