Party 17. - 18.06.06 · Club · Bangkok, Thailand Line-Up: VIBRACOUSTIC (Tranceforce Rec. - Switzerland)OPT-ION MAJIKAL HIROInfo: Vibracoustic will be playing an exclusive 1.5 hr set - A one time experience for all psy trance lovers!! Vibracoustic will be supported by local and International DJs covering a range of pychedelic tr…Location: Club EZZE @ RCA Vorbei: 18j 7m · 1.452 · Eingetragen von ABN Fotos0 People :: VIBRACOUSTIC :: Live in Bangkok Bangkok · Thailand Sa., 17.06.06, 22:00 - So., 18.06., 02:00= 4stdClub · Vorbei: 18j 7m