Party 02. - 03.04.10 · Indoor · Vienna, Österreich / 3 Line-Up: AGRESSIVE MOOD / Psyence Records_ Portugal Ms; Agressive Mood aka Philip Martins, is 30 years old and was born in north Portugal, city of Ovar. He started in rave scene @ 1997. His first contact wit…Absolut / 2to6 Records_Schweden / Al Fatal / Bassintoxication_Tirol / Cinara / Psyence Records_Tirol / °Info: Birthday Party of Corrosive BrainLocation: Weberknecht Lerchenfelder Gürtel 49 1160 Wien U6 Josefstädte… Vorbei: 14j 8m · 3.974 · Eingetragen von •RosenElfe• Fotos0 People VESTALIA / Part II presenting: Night of Portuguese Fever Vienna · Österreich Fr., 02.04.10, 22:00 - Sa., 03.04., 09:00= 11stdIndoor · / 3 · Vorbei: 14j 8m