Party 22. - 23.11.24 · Indoor · Prague, Tschechien Line-Up: 21:00 - Franta Masakr b2b Kolibřík 22:30 - MiM 00:00 - TURO 01:30 - Salihlávka Magická 03:00 - Jergowitch 04:30 - Calave Sounz 06:00 - KONECInfo: Hey, Introducing a new project from the VESELLKA crew! Are you ready to dive deep into your inner feelings while dancing and experiencing the best atmosphere that the Žižkov basement and our new state…Location: Krenovka - Husitská 22, Husitska 42/22, 13000 Prague Vorbei: 10t 12std · 132 · Eingetragen von Franta Masakr Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People VESELLKA sub terra: Hi-tech Prague Prague · Tschechien · Karte Fr., 22.11.24, 21:00 - Sa., 23.11., 06:00= 9stdIndoor · Vorbei: 10t 12std