Party 26. - 27.02.05 · Indoor · Groningen, Niederlande / 4 Line-Up: Xerox and illumination "LIVE" ( Israel - Hommega rec ) Amadatzena "LIVE" ( Mexico - Sick rec ) TnT "LIVE" ( Mexico - Psyclon rec ) Anti-Gravity "LIVE" ( Mexico…DJ Rhyno (Sick records - mexico) DJ Pim (Missing moon) Shaktycat vs Satyr (Kagdila rec/ Pixan rec- IT/NL) DJ Mol'sHope (Psynami dj-team) DJ Trang (Dreamfactory) DJ Rob (BooM rec) DJ Ohmega (COG) M.T.B…Info: If you have questions please send us an email at The route to the location will be announced at our websiteLocation: Groningen, see the website for exact details Vorbei: 20j · 2.406 · Eingetragen von Jasper Fotos0 People Uzumaki Multi Sensory Xperience Groningen · Niederlande Sa., 26.02.05, 22:00 - So., 27.02., 10:00= 12stdIndoor · / 4 · Vorbei: 20j