Party 07. - 08.11.08 · Indoor · Biel/Bienne, Schweiz / 2 Line-Up: SAVAGE SCREAM (Japan) BAAL (Japan) NOISE GUST (Japan)ZENKATSU (USP) STARDUST (USP) MILOSZ (USP)Info: After the infamous Further Dimensions I - VI in the last two seasons we start the indoor season 2008/09 with a very special lineup. For the first time in Switzerland and for the second time in Europe…Location: Gaskessel / Coupole, Kongresshausparkplatz Vorbei: 16j 4m · 4.037 · Eingetragen von Milosz Fotos0 People USP presents 7 Ijigen Biel/Bienne · Schweiz Fr., 07.11.08, 22:00 - Sa., 08.11., 10:00= 12stdIndoor · / 2 · Vorbei: 16j 4m