Party 17. - 18.08.12 · Indoor · Newcastle Upon Tyne, Großbritannien Line-Up: 9:00 - 10:30 -- DJ Debi 10:30 - 12:00 -- Operation Paperclip 12:00 - 2:00 -- Mental Forest Vs Shamanik (back2back)Info: Tyne Psyde ~ Light, Dark & Full-on Underground Psychedelic Trance A musical journey served up in a psychedelic UV environment complete with full fluro decor, lights n lasersLocation: Upstairs @ The Telegraph, Orchard Street, Newcastle upon Tyn… Vorbei: 12j 6m · 561 · Eingetragen von Mick Trauma Fotos0 People Tyne Psyde Newcastle Upon Tyne · Großbritannien · Karte Fr., 17.08.12, 21:00 - Sa., 18.08., 02:00= 5stdIndoor · Vorbei: 12j 6m