Party 21. - 22.01.12 · Indoor · Marseille, Frankreich Line-Up: ZEN MECHANICS - Neurobiotic Iboga / Pays Bas PSYMMETRIX - Bom Shanka Music / UK LAKAY - Hadra records / Grenoble (FR)SHOTU vs MANU - Hadra records / Grenoble – Gap (FR) KOKMOK vs AYASKA - Hadra records – Transubtil / Marseille (FR) Djane K-LAO - Transubtil / Montpellier (FR)Info: Relying on almost 5 years' partnership, Transubtil and Hadra are back together on january the 21st to organize a new edition of Hadra Label Party in Marseille, gathering the french Alps and the south…Location: Dock des Suds 12 Rue Urbain V 13002 Marseille Vorbei: 13j · 1.266 · Eingetragen von Hadra Fotos0 People Twisted Vision Marseille · Frankreich Sa., 21.01.12, 22:00 - So., 22.01., 08:00= 10stdIndoor · Vorbei: 13j