Party 23. - 24.12.06 · Indoor · Valencia, Spanien Line-Up: Guests: BuzzT - neurobiotic recs, austria TAKEDROP - SKT, japan ToF Spain residents: YARZA - KiNi - ALiEnS / ToF RAJA RANA IX ISRAInfo: download the newsletter with party details: want to opt for a free ticket? 5 free tickets available for now, more coming soon! leave your full name in the party forum at delisyd, and participate! Pe…Location: JUNGLE! carretera Riba-roja a La Eliana Valencia Vorbei: 18j 2m · 1.727 · Eingetragen von Ix (DeLiSyD PrOdUcTiOnS) Fotos0 People TRiBE oF FRoG - Temple of Sun - winter solstice in Jungle!!! Valencia · Spanien Sa., 23.12.06, 23:30 - So., 24.12., 14:00= 14std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 18j 2m