Party 23. - 24.07.16 · Indoor · Birmingham, Großbritannien Line-Up: ॐ LINE UP ॐ DOUBLEVISION SONASONIC SPOROPHORE DREADDEAN (LIVE) NOCTURNAL PROJECT OMTECInfo: Tribal Sphere Records is calling upon its Residents for a night of Psychedelia, expect the finest Psytrance Grooves through out the night with beautiful decor and powerful sound to enhance your senses…Location: 71 Lombard Street Digbeth Birmingham B12 0QU Vorbei: 8j 7m · 352 · Eingetragen von Tribal Sphere Fotos0 People Tribal Sphere Records: Infinite Ocsillation Birmingham · Großbritannien · Karte Sa., 23.07.16, 22:00 - So., 24.07., 06:00= 8stdIndoor · Vorbei: 8j 7m