Party 13. - 14.11.10 · Indoor · London, Großbritannien / 1 Line-Up: MUBALI (Parvati Records) ARJUNA *LIVE set and DJ set* (Parvati Records) SQUID INC (Trick Music) NEUTRAL MOTION *ALBUM LAUNCH* (Wildthings Records) PETRAN TANTRIX (Blue Hour Sounds/Freak Bazaar)…FULL LOTUS (Ketuh Records) MARK DAY (Phonix Records/Trancelucent Spirits/Indeepen.Dance) CIVIL DISOBEDIENTS (Mind Funk Records/Indeepen.Dance) PARSEK vs CORETECH (Psychedelic Circle/Electribe) GELI…Info: @ The good old fashioned "Secret London location" £10 all night 20k of sound by Element 5 Decor by NomadiCortex & Global Village Professional, friendly security ...Bar & Chai at reasonable p…Location: Secret Location Vorbei: 14j 1m · 1.923 · Eingetragen von MrHammy Fotos0 People Trancelucent Spirits London · Großbritannien Sa., 13.11.10, 23:00 - So., 14.11., 16:00= 17stdIndoor · / 1 · Vorbei: 14j 1m