Party 26. - 27.03.16 · Indoor · Amsterdam, Niederlande / 2 Line-Up: COSINUS - Sangoma Records (LIVE) SEQUOYA vs COSINUS - Sangoma (DJ) BROTHERYS - Gaggalacka / Purple Hexagon (DJ) ASTRONOM - Gaggalacka / Sangoma Records (DJ) PSYCHONOTIK - Psyde Effect Records…Info: GAGGALACKA is a well known German Psytrance Festival and since 2014 it has become a registered association dedicating its efforts to promote art and culture. Supporting non-profit projects beyond thei… Vorbei: 8j 11m · 1.500 · Eingetragen von RuigoordAmsterdam Fotos0 People Trance Orient Express meets Gaggalacka Amsterdam · Niederlande · Karte Sa., 26.03.16, 23:00 - So., 27.03., 08:00= 8stdIndoor · / 2 · Vorbei: 8j 11m