Party 04. - 05.03.06 · Club · Amsterdam, Niederlande Line-Up: POLARIS (neurobiotic recs) FranceNilis (Empathy NL) Tintal (Empathy NL)Info: Hosted by Psychic Om, ThereIsNoSpoon NEW: From now on 2 SATURDAYS a month:every first and third saturday the best national and international Psytrance Live Projects and DJ's capacity max 700 ppl >frie…Location: Rozengracht 133 (Club More) Amsterdam (centre) Vorbei: 19j · 1.575 · Eingetragen von Trance Mafia Fotos0 People Trance Mafia presents Polaris Amsterdam · Niederlande Sa., 04.03.06, 23:00 - So., 05.03., 05:00= 6stdClub · Vorbei: 19j