Party 29. - 30.11.08 · Indoor · London, Großbritannien Line-Up: DJ's and visual artists from England, Greece, Brazil, Italy, Germany and Holland bring all different underground cultures together. Timetable, DJs and Live Acts to be announced two days before that…TOTAL FREEDOM WORLD TOUR in London for 3 weeks bring dj's, multi media artists, and your beautifull selves together OPENING PARTY SATURDAY 29th NOVEMBER for the most up date e-flyer for each party…Info: Keep the Underground Spirit Alive...We Will Meet in the Outer Space! From Now On All Friendship Will Be Revolutionary!Location: info line on the night 07933 399718 Vorbei: 16j 3m · 1.555 · Eingetragen von Void Network Fotos0 People TOTAL FREEDOM World Tour Lucid Lava Rave Experience London · Großbritannien Sa., 29.11.08, 22:30 - So., 30.11., 10:30= 12stdIndoor · Vorbei: 16j 3m