Party 26. - 27.12.14 · Indoor · belfast, Irland Line-Up: SUBSAHARAN (subsystem records, South Africa/Dublin) LaH NaRRaD STASHInfo: Well Christmas is once again upon us, and Back for a 5th awesome year is the Tongue on the roof's Boxing day Ho Down So lets dance off those selection boxes and fancy dinners, Grab the Crimbo Boose an…Location: secret location belfast city centre Vorbei: 10j 2m · 349 · Eingetragen von lah narrad Fotos0 People Tongue on the Roof's Boxin day Ho Down belfast · Irland Fr., 26.12.14, 23:00 - Sa., 27.12., 12:00= 13stdIndoor · Vorbei: 10j 2m