Party 02. - 03.10.09 · Indoor · belfast, Irland Line-Up: MoJo DoJoDestinationSource - (portugal IcCrEc/TwistedMindRecords/Electricmoon) PsY-BaBa (ireland) LaH NaRRaD ( This our first nite in our new location tryin the keep the party goin longer, no bouncer, and ByOb, a nite of local DJ’s and live acts playing the trippyest psychedelic music about, come down and e…Location: FRESH CLAIMS PHOTOGRAPHY GALLERY 48 KINGS STREET BELFAST (TO… Vorbei: 15j 5m · 1.630 · Eingetragen von lah narrad Fotos0 People ToNgUe oN tHe RooF presents Psychedelic shenanigans belfast · Irland Fr., 02.10.09, 22:00 - Sa., 03.10., 04:30= 6std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 15j 5m