Party 16. - 17.03.13 · Indoor · belfast, Irland Line-Up: SPECIAL GUEST: CHAMPA LIVE-Yellow sun explosion recording-LondonTRL (VisionTek / Woorpz) Pt.LaH NaRRaDmore tbcInfo: Tongue on the Roof presents psychedelic shenanigans pt3 Party into st paddy's day with some flat out psychedelic shenanigans, in a uv wonderland with some amazin people and craic'in mind expanding art…Location: secret location queens street belfast city centre email for… Vorbei: 11j 11m · 752 · Eingetragen von lah narrad Fotos0 People Tongue on the Roof presents psychedelic shenanigans pt3 belfast · Irland Sa., 16.03.13, 23:00 - So., 17.03., 06:00= 7stdIndoor · Vorbei: 11j 11m