Party 28. - 29.04.12 · In- & Outdoor · letrim, Irland Line-Up: :::PSY TRANCE AREA::::: (Goa, Progressive, Forest, Full on and Dark) GIUSEPPE (PARVATI RECORDS/IT)/ PSiONIC ENTITY (soma sonic/Psychometric Vision/Eng) ZiMON and RoBiN (Syncronize records/eire) S…Info: Welcome to Alien Vibrations a new electronic and live music festival in the beautiful Irish country side, The land it self is deep in Irish mythology and folklore, this land is specials to all those w…Location: MYSTIKAL SECRET LOCATION IN THE LETRIM COUNTRY SIDE more inf… Vorbei: 12j 10m · 5.390 · Eingetragen von lah narrad Fotos0 People TONGUE ON THE ROOF Presents ALIEN VIBRATIONS 2012 letrim · Irland Sa., 28.04.12, 16:00 - So., 29.04., 22:00= 1t 6stdIn- & Outdoor · Vorbei: 12j 10m