Party 21. - 22.09.12 · In- & Outdoor · belfast, Irland Line-Up: SQuee (portugal) Psytori (dublin) SuBsaHaRaN (south africa) DaRK IMpulse (india) LaH NaRRaD (belfast) RoRY-Psy (eire)Info: For the very first time ever T.O.T.R will be hosting a psychedelic street party as part of belfasts cities CULTURE NIGHT, on the night we will transform the street into a psychedelic paradise for your…Location: Garfield street belfast city centre Vorbei: 12j 5m · 830 · Eingetragen von lah narrad Fotos0 People Tongue on the Roof present PSY CULTURE STREET PARTY belfast · Irland Fr., 21.09.12, 22:00 - Sa., 22.09., 05:00= 7stdIn- & Outdoor · Vorbei: 12j 5m