Party 30.12. - 01.01.12 · Indoor · Porrentruy, Schweiz / 3 Line-Up: 30 AND 31 DECEMBER LIVE ACTS : ----- SPACE TRIBE (Space Tribe Music) / UK ZEN MECHANICS (Neurobiotics) / NLCHURCH OF MIND Mind (Hyperdisc) / CH DICKSTER (Nano) / UK PE…30 AND 31 DECEMBER DJ'S : --- LUCAS (TIP) / UK MIKE MAGUIRE (Juno Reactor) / UK PRINCIPLES OF FLIGHT (Timecode) / F DJANE GABY (Sunlight) / SL KOKMOK (Hadra)…Info: 3 days – 2 nights 2 floors on 30th – 3 floors on 31th Start 30th 20h to 31th 18h. Food & drinks area / shops Remember come before midnight or you will miss some great animations. No glass bottles & no…Location: Tennis Couvert d'Ajoie Porrentruy Switzerland Vorbei: 13j 2m · 18.575 · Eingetragen von Rub Fotos0 People TIMEGATE 2012 - Amazing Entertainment of New Year... Porrentruy · Schweiz Fr., 30.12.11, 20:00 - So., 01.01.12, 18:00= 1t 22stdIndoor · / 3 · Vorbei: 13j 2m