Party 04. - 05.05.13 · Indoor · LONDON, Großbritannien Line-Up: ★ BOMBAX (Free Radical Rec) ★ SYCHOTRIA (Ayauma Records) ★ WHIPTONGUE (Looney Moon Rec) ★ NIRIA (Solersis Recs) - Birthday set!! ★ DISINTEGRATED CIRCUITS (5th Element) - Birthday set!!★ REEZAN (Psyfari Rec) - Birthday set!! ★ PSYMET (Free Radical Rec) ★ VERT3X (Psynon Rec) ★ JIBBA (Psynon Rec) ★ ARBOK (Psy Invasion) - Birthday set!!Info: Secret London Location! To obtain details of the location please send an email to with your name and number to:. You will receive an email with the info line numbers you need to call to in order to fi…Location: Secret London Location! To obtain details of the location pl… Vorbei: 11j 10m · 834 · Eingetragen von SYNTESIS PROJECT Fotos0 People The TRIP TEAM Multi-Birthday Party London · Großbritannien Sa., 04.05.13, 23:00 - So., 05.05., 14:00= 15stdIndoor · Vorbei: 11j 10m