Party 25. - 26.02.12 · Indoor · Berlin, Deutschland / 4 Line-Up: CAPTAIN HOOK (Iboga Records/Israel) is the new project by the 28 year old Reshef Harari, from the center of Israel, who is already well-known as being half of the duo QUANTIZE as well as for his techn…ONDREJ PSYLA (Mystical Waves Records/Czech) 2PHASED (Natraj Temple/Berlin) ZOTTEL ( Solar Tech Records ) SLAVE ONE (Listen&Enjoy/Berlin) more coming soon !!!Location: Raw Tempel Vorbei: 13j · 4.747 · Eingetragen von natraj temple Fotos0 People THE TRANCE REBELS presented by Natraj Temple Berlin · Deutschland Sa., 25.02.12, 23:30 - So., 26.02., 12:00= 12std 30minIndoor · / 4 · Vorbei: 13j