Hoppla! Du hast eine Seite aufgerufen, die nur für Member erreichbar ist.Hier geht es zum Member Login Party 14. - 15.04.12 · Indoor · La Palma del Condado (Huelva), Spanien Line-Up: BOOM SHANKAR (BMSS Records) GER DANY DE JOTA (Back to 90s) SP ALE BAQUERO (Freshsolutions) SP D.J. SALVA (In Solito Records) SP TECHNO TRAX DJ (Back to 90s) SP LORD FLAMES (UAF Records/Transitio…Info: Five days after the magic of the forest in “Transition 2012”, we will have the offcial after in “Transition Temple” to give tribute to the beginning of everything. An authentic trip to the early 90’s…Location: "Templo Transition" Polígono Industrial La Dehesa.… Vorbei: 12j 10m · 2.017 · Eingetragen von Lord Flames Fotos0 People The Time Tunnel ஜ۩۞۩ஜ Transition Festival Closing Party La Palma del Condado (Huelv… · Spanien Sa., 14.04.12, 23:30 - So., 15.04., 12:00= 12std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 12j 10m