Party 27. - 28.05.07 · Indoor · BIel-Bienne, Schweiz / 1 Line-Up: SOLARIS Fractal Records SNIPE Fractal Records/Mysteria ATAWALPA Biolive SNIPE Fractal Records/Mysteria TORAT-ZEN Spliff-music, Mysteria MESH Fractal Records/Mysteria WINDKINDInfo: After the amazing succes of the first edition of this curious party which starts on the sunday afternoon, we will go back in this beautiful cave to create a new story... !!! Come early ...The party wil…Location: 20 Gi Chäller, Obergasse 20, Rue Haute 20, Altstadt-Vielle V… Vorbei: 17j 9m · 1.641 · Eingetragen von gamagoblin Fotos0 People THE SUNDAY SYNDROME PART 2 BIel-Bienne · Schweiz So., 27.05.07, 14:00 - Mo., 28.05., 02:30= 12std 30minIndoor · / 1 · Vorbei: 17j 9m