Party 19. - 20.12.09 · Club · Maribor, Slowenien Info: artist info: This about Kanc Cover, a DJ & producer from Serbia. He started amateurish with music production in 1995. First formed project was X-Raything. In 1997 he started with first releases for…Location: Jazz Klub Satchmo Strossmayerjeva ulica 6 2000 MARIBOR Vorbei: 15j · 1.327 · Eingetragen von Cuich Fotos0 People The Psychedelic Experience - DeepTechnoPsyTrance challanger Maribor · Slowenien Sa., 19.12.09, 22:00 - So., 20.12., 07:00= 9stdClub · Vorbei: 15j