Party 19. - 20.11.05 · Indoor · Obfelden (by Affoltern am Albis ZH), Schweiz Line-Up: Hoogshagenii, Vibracoustic, Nordic WalkingD- Wave, Hashiva (L.S.P.), ABN (Tranceforce Rec.) vs. Quantra (L.S.P.), Tribolix, DubayInfo: Join us in celebrating ABN's Birthday and the birth of a new live act : Vibracoustic. Vibracoustic is the newest psy project of the swiss producers ABN and Hashiva. After a period of silence, Hoogshag…Location: Glashaus Obfelden (by Affoltern am Albis ZH).,, By Car:, Af… Vorbei: 19j 3m · 2.373 · Eingetragen von ABN Fotos0 People The Next Step... Obfelden (by Affoltern am A… · Schweiz Sa., 19.11.05, 20:00 - So., 20.11., 12:00= 16stdIndoor · Vorbei: 19j 3m