Party 31.05. - 01.06.12 · Club · Edinburgh, Großbritannien Line-Up: _PSYMATICS_ - In Lak' Ech Like the sight of a mountain goat giving birth to a human - this not to be missed. Rocksteady progressive, dub infused sunshine psytrance with Live flute/vox/guitar. _OC…Location: The Bongo Club, Edinburgh Vorbei: 12j 8m · 2.573 · Eingetragen von Psy-Con Fotos0 People THE MAD HATTER'S DNB PSYTRANCE PARTY EDINBURGH 31st MAY Edinburgh · Großbritannien Do., 31.05.12, 22:00 - Fr., 01.06., 03:00= 5stdClub · Vorbei: 12j 8m