Party 16. - 17.09.22 · In- & Outdoor · Timişoara, Rumänien Line-Up: 🕉️ 👽👽👽👽👽👽👽 🛸Milosh Reload 🇷🇸🛸 (Digital Chemistry) (fullon) 🛸NihilOM (Ro/TM)🛸 (Alien Agency) (nightpsy) 🛸OptionZero (Ro/TM)🛸 (Sons of Gaia) (Goa) 🛸Hexed (Ro/TM)🛸 (forest) 🛸Kukilla (Ro/Deva)🛸 Astron…Info: Psychedelic trance party on high vibrations, promoting happiness, peace, love and the highest manifestations of the soul. Unique ability to dig into the depths of your mind! Special guest artist from…Location: Hamei, Pestalozzi 22, Timişoara Vorbei: 2j 5m · 109 · Eingetragen von nihilom Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People The Love Spirit Dance Party Timişoara · Rumänien Fr., 16.09.22, 22:00 - Sa., 17.09., 07:00= 9stdIn- & Outdoor · Vorbei: 2j 5m