Party 28. - 29.07.18 · Indoor · Buenos Aires, Argentinien Line-Up: DIGITAL NATIVES RECORDS LIVE PROJECTS: - Transdimensional Entities [LIVE] - Ars Goetia Trance [LIVE] - Kaos Frequencies [LIVE] - Oscilosquatters [LIVE] - Crystalix [LIVE] - Zetoide [LIVE] - Coiron [LI…Location: Vox Club, Hipolito Yrigoyen 968, Ciudad de Buenos Aires Vorbei: 6j 7m · 232 · Eingetragen von moksha Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People The Darkpsy of The Force presents Digital Natives Records Label Night Buenos Aires · Argentinien · Karte Sa., 28.07.18, 23:30 - So., 29.07., 07:00= 7std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 6j 7m