Party 14. - 15.03.15 · Indoor · MISANO, Italien Line-Up: SOLID STATE - EVOLUTION FAMILY VEMETIK - OUTTA TRIBE MIKEL - BELIEVE / PARVATI RECORDS NIKO - GOAPROJECT / TALISMAT RECORDS CLOV - GOAPROJECT / PROFOUND RECORDS TEMPLE SPIRIT - FREAKY CIRCUS NEFTI - N…Info: The Om is the “sound” of cosmic creation that occurs throughout the universe. In the context of the ancient physics of subquantum kinetics, it is the minute energy impulse imparted when each etheron p…Location: WISH CLUB - MISANO, VIA CASTELLARO 25 Vorbei: 9j 11m · 925 · Eingetragen von Mik3L Fotos0 People - THE COSMIC VIBRATION - LOTUS & AUPA LOUNGE BDAY - WISH CLUB Misano · Italien · Karte Sa., 14.03.15, 22:00 - So., 15.03., 10:00= 12stdIndoor · Vorbei: 9j 11m