Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 03. - 04.03.12 · In- & Outdoor · Nord-Est, Italien / 4 Line-Up: PURPLE RAVER (Blacklite records) Purple Raver is the Psy Trance project of Lucio Munari, italian musician & sound engineer based in Turin, Italy. He has played Classical music for many years and has…SOMBRERO (Blacklite Records) Fabrizio Penna aka Sombrero was born in Asti in 1983. Dj and promoter of Blacklite Records, he is playing in many underground parties, enjoying the truly psytrance freak…Info: ==== Please: ==== NO PUSHER NO DRUGS and RESPECT FOR ALL!! OnLy GoOd ViBeS aNd PsYtRaNcE pArTy EnJoy !!! === ___ 0.000 __0 _____…Location: TACU TACU music zone - Via Galileo Galilei 40 - Mestrino (PA… Vorbei: 13j · 2.514 · Eingetragen von Goa Sound Project ॐ ` Fotos0 People THE CALL OF SPIRITS - PuRplE RaVeR+SoMbReRo(FROM BARCELLONA) Nord-Est · Italien Sa., 03.03.12, 21:00 - So., 04.03., 07:00= 10stdIn- & Outdoor · / 4 · Vorbei: 13j