Party 25. - 26.04.09 · Indoor · New Delhi , Gurgaon, Haryana , Indien Line-Up: Shivlink Presents : THE AWAKENING : Featuring : CPU - Live ( Switzerland - Nutek Records ) DJ NICK - ( India - Shivlink Records ) DJ GOLZ ( India - Resident ) DD : SATURDAY, 25TH APRIL TIME: 9:00 P…Info: ---- CPU - With more than a 100 tracks out on CDs and EPs in more than 25 labels, more than 400 shows worldwide in places as different…Location: CLUB 18 Street: VIPUL AGORA MALL City/Town: Gurgaon, India Vorbei: 15j 10m · 1.872 · Eingetragen von Dj Nick Aka Elektronick Fotos0 People THE AWAKENING - Feat : CPU Live >>> New Delhi , Gurgaon, Haryan… · Indien Sa., 25.04.09, 21:00 - So., 26.04., 05:00= 8stdIndoor · Vorbei: 15j 10m