Party 19. - 20.01.08 · Club · London, Großbritannien Line-Up: Andromeda (Spiral Trax - Sweden) M-Theory (Alchemy Rec _UK) Mood Deluxe (Liquid Rec - UK)Shane Gobi (Alchemy Rec - SA) James Compressor (24/7 Rec - UK) Nic No Name (Frolic - IT) Zeus (Roots - SA)Info: Alchemy Records & One Tribe Presenting…. THE 7th Heaven Project A Celebration of all the Senses with a Twist of Global Consciousness ...well shaken from the 19th of JAN 2008 ...and from March 2008 on…Location: @ Jack’s Club (7 - 9 Crucifix Lane London Bridge, SE1 3JW) Vorbei: 17j 1m · 1.590 · Eingetragen von One Tribe Fotos0 People THE 7th Heaven Project London · Großbritannien · Karte Sa., 19.01.08, 22:30 - So., 20.01., 09:00= 10std 30minClub · Vorbei: 17j 1m