Party 21. - 22.04.12 · In- & Outdoor · london , Großbritannien Line-Up: EARTHLING LIVE HYPNOCOUSTICS LIVE CHAMELEON LIVE BEAT PUSHERS LIVE MONAD LIVELIQUID ROSS KRISTIAN VERTEX DIRTY HIPPYInfo: Send MAIL with your MOBILE number to get info... TESLA is bring some new PROJECTS with one of the most wanted artists around globe... We want to involve only people with spirits of nature, music an…Location: Secret Location Vorbei: 12j 10m · 1.296 · Eingetragen von nick tesla Fotos0 People TESLA PROJECT >"ELECTRIC VISION" london · Großbritannien Sa., 21.04.12, 23:00 - So., 22.04., 14:00= 15stdIn- & Outdoor · Vorbei: 12j 10m